현재 위치 - 중국 분류 정보 발표 플랫폼 - 생활 서비스 정보 - 도메이샤의 대표 논문

도메이샤의 대표 논문

1. 진후아모, 미신아토, 유안루, and Rui Wang, secure beam forming for MIMO two-way communications with an untrusted red

2. P. Cheng, Z. Chen, Y. Rui, Y. J. Guo, L. Gui, Meixia Taoand Q. T. Zhang, Channel estimation for OFDM sytems over doubly selective channels: a distributed compressive sensing based approach, IEEE trans.on

3. Xiaochen Lin, Meixia Tao, Youyun Xu and Rui Wang, Outage probability and finite-SNR diversity-multiplexing trade off for two-way relay fading channels, IEEE trans.on vehite

4. 진규우, 미제아토, and Youyun Xu, alternative awaiting and broadcast for two-way relay fading channels, IEEE to

5. Zhengzheng Xiang, Meixia Tao, Jianhua Mo and Xiaodong Wang, degrees of freedom for MIMO two-way x relay channel, IEEE to

6. Meixia Taoand Yuan Liu, a network flow approach to throughput maximization in cooperative OFDMA networks, IEEE trans.on wirels

7. Rui Wang, Meixia Taoand Yuan Liu, optimal linear transceiver designs F.

Or cognitive two-way relay networks, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 61, No.4, pp. 992-1005

8. Yuan Liu, Meixia Taoand Jianwei Huang, an auction approach to distributed power allocation for multiuser cooperative networks, Ieee trans.on wireless communications, vol. 12, No.1, pp. 237-247, Jan. 2013.

9. Zhengzheng Xiang, Meixia Taoand Xiaodong Wang, coordinated multicast beam forming in multi cell networks, IEEE trans.on