현재 위치 - 중국 분류 정보 발표 플랫폼 - 비즈니스 서비스 정보 - < p>maroon 5 sugar mv 가 사실입니까

< p>maroon 5 sugar mv 가 사실입니까

"only the grooms knew in each case.however they disclosed it to their bride and the wedding party, we're not sure But they all wanted it to be as equally a surprise as we did. they had stages set up for their actual wedding band already.all wedid was some simpes Continuity changes to match each one as best we could. "

다시 가서 신랑이 알고 있다고 말했는데, 결국 신인이 동의하지 않고 감히 난입하면 정말 취하게 된다. 。 < /p>

그리고 댓글에 이렇게 적혀 있습니다. < /p>

If you were the groom, They would've asked you ahead of time for your permission to crash the wedding as they did for my friend, Last month.

Crash wedding