현재 위치 - 중국 분류 정보 발표 플랫폼 - 여행정보 - How about Zhengzhou Aihong Housekeeping?

How about Zhengzhou Aihong Housekeeping?

Yes, this is a scam company. They will first trick you into getting their housekeeping service, and then they will ask you to pay the agency fee without saying anything. After paying the fee, you will not be able to find a job, and they will not give you a refund. , the boss dragged it on again and again, and finally hurt people with his words. Those with poor quality cannot work. I remind our friends that we must not trust this kind of scam company. It is not easy for us working people to make some money. Don't give it all to these scam companies. We must not encourage their bad habits and severely suppress this bad social atmosphere! This is my personal experience. Finally, I would like to advise netizens to be cautious! careful! Be more cautious! With all your heart, stay away from this scam company!