현재 위치 - 중국 분류 정보 발표 플랫폼 - 여행정보 - Tujia Headquarters B&B address

Tujia Headquarters B&B address

The headquarter is located in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

Tujia B&B is a company with the mission of providing online hotel accommodation services to tourists. It was founded in 2011. The brand’s birthplace is in Sanya, Hainan. In terms of its service items, it mainly provides apartments and vacations to soothe the mood. Various online support activities for residents' inns and sightseeing tours developed to 2012, and a cooperation and exchange form was officially established on the Internet platform to launch the 020 online model, as well as a 24-hour online consultation and cooperation platform to promptly solve customer needs. , especially for the hotel selection type and room type, the video can be viewed online to give a clear reference plan for the actual image of the hotel