이것은 핀치 공식 홈페이지의 영어판' 브랜드 문화 소개' 이기 때문에' 천재 1 단계, 핀치 기저귀' 의 공식 번역은 Chiaus diapers is the first need of a genius.
(발음 chiaus [t? Aus])... brand sloganchiaus diapers is the first need of a genius
Brand position the top class of baby care products in the world
Core of BrandMeticulous care, the healthy growth.chiaus has 17 progress of clean processes which bring baby a comprehensive protect, Put truth emotion into brand, Make all the parents to feel from their daily life that chiaus is not only an brand products but also with an concept to protect their babies in every Minute ... (출처: w w.c h I a u s.c n/e n/a b o u t.a s p? I d = 3, 전송 성공을 위해 공백 사이에 열림)
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