현재 위치 - 중국 분류 정보 발표 플랫폼 - 애완동물 탁송 - 영어 작문' 도시에서 애완동물을 키워야 하는가?'

영어 작문' 도시에서 애완동물을 키워야 하는가?'

having a pet is no modern invention, however, its intrinsic reason has morphed into one that should be deplored and abandoned .. Men kept dogs for hunting, And bred poultry for food.we did not keep exotic animals who serve little value and consume large amount of energy to take care of. as our socies Ils onwards into the fantastical future, our productivity increased and we had more leisure (although this is arguable) , We looked to pets for company and as an antidote for our tedium.but we have to ask ourselves, is this really worth our efforts? Why are we keeping pets while we can spend our time on other productive things that can improve the quality of living of other human-beings? Wecan work to donate money to third-world countries and end famine and pandemics.if weconsciously choose to waste our time on petty pets, Aren't we really pronouncing that some huamn beings are worse than animals?